01 Mar

How to Encourage Learning through Play

Play is a vital part of development. Play time encourages kids to exercise their creativity and imagination, while also equipping them with important life skills. When children play, it enriches their brain development as they explore and learn new things about their world.  Play time also provides a fun and relaxed environment in which children can explore new ideas and concepts. As a parent, you want your child to have every opportunity for success in life. One way to help encourage learning is through play. Read on and learn how you can make the most of playtime and encourage learning ...

01 Mar

How to Raise Intelligent and Curious Children

Young children tend to be inherently curious by nature. As a parent, it’s so important to support your child’s sense of curiosity and wonder. Inquisitive, curious children are more likely to perform well academically, while also possessing a healthy dose of skepticism, having strong problem-solving skills, and making smart choices. Children who exhibit these traits tend to be on a never-ending quest for knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Because curiosity is often linked to academic achievement, it's important to provide plenty of opportunities that foster your little one’s ...

14 Feb

5 Parenting Tips for Raising Independent Kids

Helping children develop increased independence is a critical step as you help them prepare for kindergarten. When kids complete tasks on their own, it helps them grow and mature. Each experience helps children learn how to become more self-sufficient. Independent kids also feel increased control over their own lives.

As parents, there are things we can do to help our kids become more independent and capable individuals. We can provide them with opportunities to encourage their sense of independence and remove obstacles that may prevent them from being self-reliant, so they can accomplish more ...

14 Feb

7 Math Strategies to Improve your Child's Success in Math

Math can be a challenging subject for many children. Some students are even math-phobic and have significant anxiety when it comes to math, which leads them to avoid any math-related tasks whenever possible. Since math is an essential building block for success in school and beyond, it's important that we help kids build a strong math foundation.

Regardless of your child’s level of learning and developmental pace, math can be mastered with a positive attitude and consistent effort. There are strategies parents can implement to help children succeed in math. Here are seven math strategies that ...

31 Jan

How to Improve Children’s Problem Solving Skills

It's no secret that many kids learn best by doing. When children are given tasks to complete and problems to solve, they're forced to think critically and actively engage with the material. These types of activities may present a challenge for some parents who might not feel equipped to help their children improve their problem-solving skills.

Strong problem-solving skills are essential in order to tackle a variety of tasks, including schoolwork and interpersonal relationships. Luckily, there are many things you can do to help kids develop these critical skills. Here are five tips to help you ...

31 Jan

5 Essential Skills for Kindergarten Readiness

Sending your little one off to kindergarten for the first time is an exciting milestone, but it can also be a nerve-wracking time for many parents and children. Kindergarten is one of the most significant stages of childhood, marking the transition from the comfort of home to a new academic environment. It's a big step, but with the right preparation, you can help your child become ready to thrive in the classroom. So how can you make sure your little one is ready to take the next step? What skills do children need in order to be ready for the first day of kindergarten?

In this post, we'll ...

14 Jan

How to Support Effective Learning With Young Children

The foundation for future success is built during each child’s earliest years of life. The first few years are so important because when you ensure effective learning during these formative years, it will lay the groundwork for a more successful academic future.

As a parent, your involvement in your child's learning and education is paramount. You can support effective learning with young kids by encouraging them to be curious, to take chances, and to learn through play and exploration. Here are some effective learning strategies that will help guide both you and your child towards academic ...

07 Jan

8 Simple Tips to Improve Your Child's Reading Skills

It is widely known that reading provides numerous benefits when it comes to a child's academic, social, and emotional development. As a parent, it’s important to ensure that your child is given plenty of opportunities to develop their reading skills. From enthusiastic bookworms to more reluctant readers, there are many strategies you can use to help enhance your child’s reading skills. By following these eight simple tips, you can help your child become a more confident reader and cultivate a love for reading that will last a lifetime.

Surround your child with reading materials

One of the best ...

28 Dec

12 Fun Activities to Improve Kids' Counting Skills

An essential basic skill that children need to master is counting. When children learn how to count, it helps them understand  the concepts of numbers and sequencing, and is the foundation of all other basic math skills. Fortunately, counting is a skill that can be improved with practice. If you're looking for fun ways to enrich your child’s counting skills, look no further! Here are ten ideas that are both educational and fun. Children will have a blast practicing their counting skills with these activities.

Play counting games

There are so many games that kids can play to sharpen their ...

15 Dec

8 Tips to Boost Your Child's Early Math Skills

The development of math skills during early childhood is a crucial component when it comes to being ready for school. Most children begin to understand basic math concepts before they even start school, since most of their daily activities and routines involve the use of some math skills. As parents, you can help strengthen your child's foundation in math from an early age by following these tips.

Count everything!

Demonstrate the concept of counting early and often with your little one. Counting is the foundation of all basic math skills. Invite young children to count objects all around them ...